BlueVibes Spring

(version 3.4.0)

BlueVibes Spring (bv-spring) is a part of BlueVibes platform with the main goal of speeding up the back-end development of BlueVibes applications.


The bv-spring consists of the following modules. You may include only one or several modules. Modules are:


Pre-configured spring security starter for BlueVibes applications. It enhances the BlueVibes applications with token based authentication.
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Starter for a bv-micro-service. Provides the minimal set of libraries and Spring beans that are needed for creating and running the BlueVibes application.
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Starter that provides all testing capabilities to BlueVibes applications.
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Not meant to be included as dependency, only used internally. Provides common features that are used in all other BlueVibes modules.
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Not meant to be included as dependency, only used internally.
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How to start

First step is enabling bv-spring dependency management in your pom file. This does not add dependencies, but makes sure that the versions are consistent.


To actually add a security module for example:
